Greenie’s Conservation Corner
Here at the Zoo, we like to come up with creative ways to use discarded materials like old fencing and garbage containers. For example, we turned concrete garbage containers into planters to grow herbs and vegetables in Greenie’s Conservation Corner. Opened on Earth Day 2010, Greenie’s Conservation Corner replaced an unused animal exhibit with a showcase for backyard conservation actions. Look closely and you’ll see drought-tolerant, water-wise plants, butterfly- and bee-friendly plants, a solar-powered fountain made from used animal drinking troughs, and organic produce grown for our animals. This year’s harvest included carrots, kale, chard, rutabaga, cauliflower, broccoli, onions, herbs, and more. Also, while strolling the garden path, you can step inside a piece of San Francisco history – an authentic 1906 earthquake shack (thousands once lined city parks and became refugee cities for citizens displaced by the world-famous earthquake). During your visit, we hope you’ll find inspiration to transform your backyard or patio into your very own conservation corner.