Amazon tree boa
Corallus hortulanus

At the Zoo
South American Tropical Rainforest and Aviary
Fascinating Facts
- They have good eyesight, which enables them to hunt during the day, and large infrared receptors, which enables them to sense heat and hunt at night.
- Amazon tree boas, also known as garden tree boas, are an aggressive species that will bite when approached.
- They are ambush hunters and will hang from a branch in an “S” shape and strike at prey.
Physical Characteristics
Males and females are similar in size and markings. The average length is between 47 – 59 inches. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns.
Amazon tree boas are found in the Amazon region of South America, including Columbia east of Andes, southern Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Trinidad & Tobago, and Costa Rica. They live in forests with high humidity as well as savannas or dry forests. They prefer to stay in trees, but also have been observed on the forest floor. They feed on birds, bats, frogs, rodents, lizards and marsupials.
Social Behavior
Males will shed their skin and engage in “tail writhing” as part of their courtship behavior. The gestation period is 6 – 8 months, after which the female will give birth to live young. There is no parental involvement after birth and young will reach sexual maturity at 3 years.
Status In The Wild
Not yet assessed by IUCN